1st National AAH Contest of Arts for Histioguerreros Children
The Argentine Association of Histiocytosis, convenes, through its website, the 1st National AAH Arts Contest for Histioguerrero Children, which will take place in accordance with the following bases and conditions. AAH recognizes as valid only the information published on the sites,www.aah.org.ar (Instagram) and Facebook de la asoc XXXXXXXX
1st National AAH Contest of Arts for Histioguerreros Children
The Argentine Association of Histiocytosis (AAH), hereinafter "AAH", convenes, through its website, the 1st National AAH Arts Contest for Histioguerreros Children, which will be held in accordance with the following bases and conditions. AAH recognizes as valid only the information published on the sites,www.aah.org.ar (Instagram) and Facebook de la asoc del Complete well.
FEBRUARY:Opening of the call.
MAY:Closing of the call.
OCTOBER:Publication on the site www.aah.org.ar (Instagram) and Facebook de la asoc from the list of selected works.
NOVEMBER:Inauguration of the Exhibition of the 17th UADE Visual Arts Contest.
DECEMBER:Publication on the site www.aah.org.ar (Instagram) and Facebook de la asoc from the list of awarded works.
1. Objectives
1.1The AAH HISTIOGUERREROS National Contest was created in 2023 for the discipline of Painting, Drawing and GRAPHIC ARTS with the aim of promoting cultural activity in our country and promoting the development of artistic sensitivity in our HISTIOGUERREROS, who through art express everything they they spend in this disease.
2. Recipients
2.1All histiocytosis patients up to 18 years of age of Argentine nationality, and of other nationalities, with permanent residence in the country and documentation that accredits it, may participate.
23Participation is completely free.
2.4Participation in this contest implies full acceptance of these rules and full compliance with its content.
3. Works
3.1All expressions of the arts are valid, regardless of their technique, procedure and theme. The work can be done with any desired technique or material, except in the case of perishable materials, which prevent adequate display and/or are classified as dangerous substances under the terms of Resolution 195/97 of the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation. .
3.2Participation is individual. The presentation of more than one work by the same author will result in non-acceptance of the entire submission.
3.3Submission of works anonymously or under a pseudonym is not accepted.
3.4The work must be original and unpublished, understanding as such that which has not been selected in other contests, salons or in any other competitive exhibition, both national and international. The work may not be older than three years.
3.5The maximum size of a two-dimensional work (painting, drawing, engraving, photograph, etc.) is 150 x 150 cm. The measurements include the frame or support if it had one. In the case of diptychs or triptychs, the sum of its parts must not exceed these measurements.
3.6The maximum size of a three-dimensional work (sculpture, object, installation, etc.) is 200 x 200 x 100 cm, with a weight of up to 100 kg. The measurements include the base or support if it had one. Each work may be composed of the number of parts that the artist deems appropriate, as long as it does not exceed the maximum established measurements as a whole. Within the established measures, any format is valid. In the case of an installation, the work must be mounted by the author, with their own means and resources (materials, technical support, personnel, etc.), in the space, place and date designated for this purpose.
3.7In the case of a Digital work, understood as Art that uses computer techniques and digital interfaces (Animation shorts / photographic manipulations / Gifs / Contemporary digital creations through virtual worlds / Digital poetry / Sound Art / Conceptual renderings / Programming / Virtual applications / Interactive projects / Video art / Static or kinetic digitized production / Multimedia / Net art, etc.) the duration must not exceed 2 minutes. This limit applies to the complete work and to any of its added parts.
3.8Works that due to their content may hurt sensibilities, that refer explicitly to people, entities, companies or institutions, and/or contain messages that promote discrimination of any kind (racial, sexual, gender, religious, etc.) will not be accepted. .).
3.9Works that do not meet the requirements stipulated in these bases will not be accepted. The resolution that determines the rejection of the participation of the work in this contest will be final, without this generating the right to any claim on the part of its author.
4. Prizes